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  1. Modify the locales block in the extension configuration (which you can find under the Extend screen in bolt's backend) to suit your needs. The first one is the default locale and must be the same as bolts own locale which you've set in bolts' main config.yml:
        label: English
        slug: en
        label: Deutsch
        slug: de
  1. Add the locale field to the contenttypes you want translated in contenttypes.yml:
    name: Pages
    slug: pages
    singular_name: Page
    singular_slug: page
            type: locale
            group: content
  1. Add the translatable argument to all fields you want to be translatable.

    Note: In older versions the config translatable was misspelled as is_translateable. The old way is still supported, but deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

    type: text
    class: large
    group: content
    translatable: true
To translate templatefields you simply tag the templateselect
with `translatable` and all the templatefields will be translatable.
    type: templateselect
    translatable: true
    filter: '*.twig'
  1. Add the hidden fields to all the contenttypes that have translatable fields, two for each locale: one called your_localedata and one called your_localeslug. So for the above locales example you would put:
        type: hidden
        type: locale_data
        index: true
        type: hidden
        type: locale_data
        index: true
  1. Use the localeswitcher twig-function to render a locale switcher in your theme: {{ localeswitcher() }} or {{ localeswitcher(template = '_my_localeswitcher_template.twig') }} if you want to use a custom template. The base template being used is '_localeswitcher.twig'.

    The {{ localeswitcher }} function generates an unordered list with the labels of the languages you've set in the config file.

    If you only want to a custom class to the unordered list don't make a custom template. Adding a class is as simple as:

    {{ localeswitcher(classes = 'custom-class another-class') }}

  2. (Optional) Activate/install the Labels extension, set your languages in it's config and mark any hardcoded text in your templates with {{ l("Your text here") }}.

  3. (Optional) Translate your Boltforms by switching {% form_theme form 'boltforms_custom.twig' %} to {% form_theme form '@bolt/frontend/boltforms_theme_translated.twig' %} at the top of a form template. This requires the Labels extension.

  4. (Optional) Translate your menu labels by chaning {{ menu(template = 'partials/_sub_menu.twig') }} to {{ menu(template = '@bolt/frontend/_sub_menu_translated.twig') }} in your template. You can then have locale specific menu labels by adding them like this:
    - label: Home
        delabel: Startseite
        title: This is the first menu item.
        detitle: Dies ist der erste Menüpunkt.
        path: homepage
        class: first
    - label: Second item
        delabel: Zweite Position
        path: entry/1
If no title/label is set for the current locale it will use the unprefixed ones.